Contact Information
935 E Lincoln Rd
Idaho Falls, ID 83401
P: 208-522-5391
T: 1-800-632-4813
F: 208-522-5453

Energy Assistance Crisis Program

LIHEAP Crisis Assistance is available year-round, as funding allows, to alleviate a crisis situation for households that have received a disconnect notice or are facing disconnection of services with heat or electric services. Eligibility guidelines are: 60% of the State Median Income for household sizes 1-7 and 150% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines for household sizes 8+ based on income from the prior month; being at risk of disconnect/disconnected with utility services; and/or an inability to maintain payment arrangements with utility company.

Family Size

Monthly Income Limit

Yearly Income Limit EA

























Each additional member





**Participants may not receive more than one crisis payment within the same Program Year (October 1-September 30).

English Application,     English Addendum page for additional household members. 
Spanish Application,    Spanish Addendum

REQUIRED documentation for Energy Assistance Crisis includes:

  • Completed and signed Energy Assistance application
  • Social Security cards and dates of birth for every household member
  • Gross income from the previous month for every household member
  • Disconnect/final notice from utility vendor

The online portal is currently unavailable as an option to apply.
Email or Mail your completed application to your local office:

Energy Assistance Locations

EICAP Main Office
935 E Lincoln Rd
Idaho Falls, ID 83401
Phone: (208) 542-8178
Email: energy@eicap.org
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Salmon Outreach Office
955 Riverfront Dr, Suite A
Salmon, ID 83467
Phone: (208) 756-3999
Email: fssalmon@eicap.org
View Map
Rexburg Outreach Office
275 Stationary Place
Rexburg, ID 83440
Phone: (208) 356-8849
Email: fsrexburg@eicap.org
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