Contact Information
935 E Lincoln Rd
Idaho Falls, ID 83401
P: 208-522-5391
T: 1-800-632-4813
F: 208-522-5453

Client Stories

Beginning in the spring of 2008, EICAP has awarded the Changing Life Award to one participant.  The following are some of the most recent winners and their stories:

You may help by sharing your story. You may share your experiences when receiving help and support from the staff and programs at EICAP that made a difference in your life or for your family members. You may include your successes, worries and frustrations.

You may share your story by telling how…

  • EICAP gave you Energy Assistance and helped you pay your heating bill.
  • Head Start made a difference in your child’s life and made sure that everyone in your family had enough to eat.
  • Any other of EICAP’s many programs helped you or touched your life.

We are working on collecting more client stories.  If you would like to share your story, please call us at 208-522-5391 or email to info@eicap.org.