Contact Information
935 E Lincoln Rd
Idaho Falls, ID 83401
P: 208-522-5391
T: 1-800-632-4813
F: 208-522-5453

Energy Assistance Winter Heating Program

LIHEAP Heat assistance is provided to eligible households from November 1 – March 31, as funding allows to help offset home heating costs. In order to be eligible for heating assistance, a household cannot exceed the following income eligibility of 60% of the State Median Income for household sizes 1-7 and 150% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines for household sizes 8+ (Effective October 1 – September 30):

Family Size

Monthly Income Limit

Yearly Income Limit EA

























Each additional member





The Energy Assistance Winter Heating Program runs November 1 to March 31 (as funding allows).

If you have a disconnect notice, please contact our office at one of the locations below.

English Application,     English Addendum page for additional household members. 
Spanish Application,    Spanish Addendum
Applications are also available at each of our locations.

We will process completed applications in the order they are received. Incomplete applications will not be processed. It can take up to 6 weeks from the date of application for the heating vendor to receive an Energy Assistance benefit.

REQUIRED documentation for Energy Assistance includes:

  • Current Heating bill with account number in household member’s name
  • Current Electric bill with account number in household member’s name
  • Gross income from the previous month for every household member
  • Social Security cards and dates of birth for every household member
  • Completed and signed Energy Assistance application

The online portal is currently unavailable as an option to apply.
Email or Mail your completed application to your local office:

Energy Assistance Locations

EICAP Main Office
935 E Lincoln Rd
Idaho Falls, ID 83401
Phone: (208) 542-8178
Email: energy@eicap.org
View Map
Salmon Outreach Office
955 Riverfront Dr, Suite A
Salmon, ID 83467
Phone: (208) 756-3999
Email: fssalmon@eicap.org
View Map
Rexburg Outreach Office
275 Stationary Place
Rexburg, ID 83440
Phone: (208) 356-8849
Email: fsrexburg@eicap.org
View Map