Contact Information
935 E Lincoln Rd
Idaho Falls, ID 83401
P: 208-522-5391
T: 1-800-632-4813
F: 208-522-5453

Shantell S. – Changing Life Award Winner

Shantell has made so much positive progress in her life and the lives of her children.

She was in jail for a couple of months and then in inpatient treatment at the Road to Recovery in Pocatello.  She was on felony probation and was referred to the Haven by a public defender from Twin Falls.  Shantell i sa recovering Methamphetamine addict.

Shantell moved into the Haven in November of 2005.  She has two daughters (Ashlie and Becca) that were not living with her when she moved into the Haven.  Ashlie was living with Shantell’s mother and Becca was living with her other grandmother.  Shantell was pregnant and due in March of 2006.

When Shantell first came to the Haven she struggled in the beginning with honesty and didn’t really want to follow the rules of treatment or budgeting.  About the time Shantell was to deliver her son (Darius) there was a positive change in her.  She wanted a different life style than what she had been living.

Shantell moved into EICAP’s Homeless to Homeowners Program in July of 2006.  Her daughter Ashlie moved in with her shortly after this move.  She completed the Homeless to Homeowners Program through EICAP successfully.  She received her Idaho Housing and moved into one of the homes owned by Idaho Housing.  She has recently regained custody of her daughter Becca.  Shantell now has her three children living with her and doing an exceptional job as a mother.  She is a great role model for them.

Shantell currently works for EICAP at the Haven Shelter and is a great asset to the team.  She is working full time, attending classes at EITC, and raising three children of her own.

Shantell decided that she would like to attend college and pursue a degree in Nursing.  Shantell had a past student loan that stopped her from receiving Federal Financial Aid until it was paid on for 6 months.  She did not let this road block slow her down.  She began taking math classes offered at EITC and worked on paying off old debt including the student loan.

In August of 2007, Shantell began taking general classes at EITC working towards her dream.  In April 2009, Shantell found out that she was chosen for the EITC Nursing Program and will be starting in August.  She is highly committed to her education.