Family & Emergency Services focuses on building a strong community one life, one home, and one family at a time. We offer programs to assist households in time of need, such as help with utility bills, emergency assistance, rental assistance, and education assistance. From November to March, Energy Assistance is available to qualified households to help with winter heating costs. Food pantries are available in Rexburg, Salmon, and Challis for households in our community facing food insecurity.
The Family & Emergency Service Department is largely funded from Federal grants, including the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG), and the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).
LIHEAP primarily provides assistance to eligible low-income households, particularly elderly and disabled households, to offset winter home heating costs is available November 1-March 31.
LIHEAP Crisis funding is available year-round, as funding allows, for eligible low-income households experiencing a risk of disconnection of utility services or are disconnected/out of bulk fuel.
EICAP partners with the Idaho Food Bank and communities to provide nutrition to individuals in the community. We also operate food banks in Challis, Salmon and Rexburg.
Angela Magnani-Wood Tuition Assistance program helps eligible students working to obtain a degree from a university or a certified program pay tuition expenses.
To apply for assistance within the Family Services Department, please complete the Universal Intake application.
Please note: Some programs have different income guidelines and require program specific applications which are available by clicking on the program.
Universal Intake Application link
CSBG income guidelines
Households cannot exceed 200% of the Federal Poverty Level.
October 1, 2024 – September 30, 2025.
For additional information regarding assistance, email or call 208 522-5391.